Starting your Zero Waste Journey
Rethink ~ Refuse ~ Reduce ~ Reuse ~ Recycle
Taking yoga off the mat and living mindfully involves an awareness of our environmental impact and doing what we can to minimise that footprint. There is only one Earth, let’s look after her!
Rethink - do I actually need to buy this? Can you use something you already have? Or borrow the item?
Refuse - any items that aren’t eco-friendly -plastic bags, plastic cutlery, plastic straws - you get the idea!
Reduce - energy use. Switch off lights when you leave the room, minimise water use etc
Reuse- find reusable alternatives (see below for our favs!)
Recycle - even if you’re out in public, find the right bin for your waste or take it home with you.
Sadly, when we throw things away, there really is no ‘away’ - items end up in landfill or our oceans and leach chemicals into our precious atmosphere and waterways 😥
We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly.
We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.
~ Anne-Marie Bonneau
Here are some simple swaps you can make to minimise your waste this year! Most of them will actually save you money in the long run too.
There are so many more changes we can make on the way to zero waste (or low waste) living and it can seem overwhelming if you are just starting your journey! Just start with a few small changes.
I also highly recommend reading Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson. Its a very thorough, but easy book to read. Some of her ideas might seem pretty extreme if you are just starting out, but she has some really good tips about how to reduce your household waste (divided into Kitchen, Bathroom, Wardrobe, Holidays etc) with some simple changes.
You could also join the ‘Zero Waste in NZ’ Facebook group (or the ‘Living Consciously Crew’ in the UK) where people share ideas, inspiration and articles on zero waste living.
Do what you can individually, the collective impact is significant 🌏